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QuickBooks - Backing you in tough times

Find the help you need to prepare your business, communicate with clients, and support your employees during the Coronavirus outbreak.

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How to prepare your business and your employees during Coronavirus

If your business financials feel volatile, you’re not alone. Here are some other ways business owners can ensure as few financial losses as possible:

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Build out a business continuity plan: Jot down worst-case scenarios and potential business struggles. Then finalize a plan for dealing with those problems before they arise. This is your guide to moving forward with speed and confidence.

Build a supply continuity plan: This plan focuses on getting all the goods and resources you need from alternative sources, should a vendor cease production.

Create a communication strategy: This should be internal and external, to reduce confusion. Decide what you need to tell investors, employees, and contractors, and create a chain of command so messaging goes through proper channels.

Explore virtual and e-commerce options: If your business relies on face-to-face contact or in-store purchasing, now’s the time to think outside the box. Consider virtual meeting rooms for consults and services and online retail spaces for goods.

Take action for your business


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Comprehensive guides for business owners

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QuickBooks guide: How to protect your business and employees during the coronavirus pandemic
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SBA guidance: Coronavirus planning and loans for small businesses

How Intuit is supporting businesses facing uncertainty

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How Intuit is helping during Coronavirus

We’re putting over $8 million into initiatives to support small business.

3 small business survival tips during COVID-19
3 small business survival tips during COVID-19

A list of suggestions to help small business owners operate during the coronavirus outbreak